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The Beautiful Diamond Band

Are you looking for a piece of jewelry that is simple, understated, yet immensely gorgeous? If so, a diamond band may be just what you are looking for. When it comes diamond bands, there are several things to look for. This article will teach you about the different qualities and grades of diamonds and how to choose the perfect diamond ring.


A diamond is graded based on the four C's- clarity, cut, carat and color. Each of these contributes to the final look of the diamond as well as the cost of the diamond band By understanding how each part of the grading process, you can choose the best diamond for your new diamond ring.

diamond band



Clarity is the number of imperfections found in the diamond. Although most of these imperfections are microscopic, they do impact the cost of the diamond. Here is a breakdown of each grade.


- Flawless


A flawless diamond is very rare and does not contain any imperfections.

- Very, Very Slightly Included


This type of diamond may have imperfections; however, they are very hard to see under 10 times magnification.

- Very Slightly Included


This grade of diamond has imperfections; however, they cannot be seen with the naked eye.

Slightly Included


This grade of diamond may have imperfections that can be seen microscopically and with the naked eye. See this website link for further information about diamond band :



This grade of diamond's imperfections is visible to the naked eye.


The cut of the diamond helps improve the brilliance. The way the diamond is cut affects how light bounces off the diamond. Light reflexion makes a diamond sparkle. The cut is graded on how much light is reflected in the diamond.


The carat of a diamond simply means how much the diamond weighs. Many people think that a larger diamond is automatically a larger carat weight. This is not always true. The way a diamond is cut affects the carat weight more than the size.


Color refers to the lack of color in the diamond. The less color, the more valuable the ring is. There are six grades of color ranging from D to Z-N, with D being the best and Z being the lowest grade.

diamond band

A Z-N and M-K diamond has noticeable color. A J-I and an H-G diamond have some coloration; however, it is unnoticeable unless compared to a higher quality diamond. Finally, an F-E and a D diamond are colorless diamonds that can only be detected by a gemologist.

As you can see, there are many things to consider when choosing a diamond for your diamond band. Use the information above to help you determine the best color, cut, carat weight  and clarity for your new diamond ring.

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